Montsec d'Ares i Montsec de Rúbies o de Meià. Congost de Mont-rebei. Prepirineu Digital CompeGps/Oziexplorer1:20.000 1a ed
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Folder that includes two maps: the Montsec d'Ares and the Montsec de Rúbies or de Meià. These two maps give continuity to those already published in the area: Montsec d'Estall, Sant Llorenç de Montgai and Les Avellanes. The entire collection is published at 1: 20,000 scale
The Montsecs are a reference area for hikers, lovers of the via ferrata, climbers and cyclists, who, with this publication, can plan a large number of excursions and mountain activities through this territory, which extends from the border with Aragon (Congost de Mont-rebei) to the buttresses of Santa María de Meià.