Alta Anoia Sud. Copons, Rubió, Argençola. Digital CompeGps/Oziexplorer 1:25.000

Alta Anoia Sud. Copons, Rubió, Argençola. Digital CompeGps/Oziexplorer 1:25.000



Topographic map of the southern sector of the Alta Anoia sub-region. It covers from the Prats de Rei (north) to Sant Martí de Tous (south) and from Igualada (east) to the Panadella (west). It includes, in addition to the FEEC routes (GR's and PR's), some routes signaled by the County Council (Jorba, Òdena, Igualada) and 5 routes around the most emblematic places of the Alta Anoia Consortium: Rubió, Mas del refuge Trunk, Argençola, Veciana and Copons. It also includes rural accommodation.

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