Montsec de l'Estall - Congost de Mont-rebei. Digital map CompeGps/Oziexplorer 1/20.000, 1/15.000 1a ed 2019
Digital map for Oziexplorer o CompeGps/Twonav software.
Folder that includes two maps: the Montsec de l'Estall at 1: 20,000 scale and an extension of the Congost de Mont-rebei at 1: 15,000 scale.
The number of visitors to Montsec has increased exponentially in recent years, due to the construction of the Camino de las Pasarelas de Montfalcó, however we must not forget other emblematic places in the area such as the Hermitage of Santa Quiteria or the Walls of Finestras, that with this map you can discover.