Mapa Vall de Tor. Pirineos. Montaña de leyendas 1:20.000 1a ed

Mapa Vall de Tor. Pirineos. Montaña de leyendas 1:20.000 1a ed

Spain: - By courier: from 2 to 3 working days. - By post mail from 7 to 8 working days.

The Tor Valley is located in the Pyrenean region of Pallars Sobirà (Lleida). This place has been immersed for many years in a series of controversial events that have been the subject of debate in the media of the time.

Located in the municipality of Alins de Vallferrera, within the area of the Natural Park of the Pyrenees, is the small semi-abandoned village of Tor (1,649 m), one of the highest in the Pyrenees. Its surroundings are of great landscape beauty and in them there are many legends that make these places impregnated with a special charm.

Gregori d'Aulèstia: 'Sansa en deia: 'Vigila, perquè el poble és molt malparit''


As it is a private property, there are no indicative indications on the land within the area of the farm. The map includes some itinerary proposals of the most emblematic places in the area.

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